Ring is an arena where boxing matches, was founded on the stage (as high as ± 1.5 m). In this modern era of boxing, ring-shaped rectangular equilateral, and is bound by ropes amounted to four on each side.

Boxing word is a translation of the English word "boxing" or "Pugilism". The word comes from the Latin word Pugilism, pugilatus or loans from the greek word Pugno, Pignis, Pugnare, which signifies all things box-shaped or "Box" in English. Boxing Man, that fist, shaped like a box. The Greek word means pugno hands clenched into fists, ready to pugnos, fighting, boxing. In mythology, the father and Boxing is Poliux, twin brother of Castor, son of the legendary of Jupiter and Leda.
The first recorded boxing match in history is, among others, against Abel. Mahabharata Book also noted boxing matches, which preceded the recording of the stories in the fight between the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. The first known Greek boxer named Theagenes of Thaos who won the Olympic Games 450 AD. He did the game as much as 1406 times using said boxing glove made of iron. Most of the opponents were killed while fighting against it. Although boxing famous for centuries as a form of entertainment, but an Englishman named James Ping is James Broughton, British champion, who is also the first to use the boxing glove. Regulation and boxing gloves are an introduction on August 10, 1973.

The value given for a clean and steady blow toward the front waist up legitimate opponent, with a blow to the head and chest gets more value. Boxer with a higher value after the planned number of rounds will be declared the winner. Victory may also be achieved if the opponent knocked down and can not get up until the tenth count of the referee (a Knockout, or KO) or if your opponent is declared unable to continue the match (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). For the purposes of the game record, count as KO TKO.
BaBloo 923335360546 (dawar_arise@yahoo.com)
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